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DISHES — Paperback Out this Fall!

Look for the paperback in November 2013!

A Globe-Trotting, Century-Hopping Celebration of the Art of the Dinner Plate!

Originally published in October 2011

From classic blue-and-white to colorful Fiesta and beyond, plates bring color, art, and craftsmanship to our dinner tables. DISH offers something for everyone who's ever (even slightly) pondered the seemingly endless possibilities of patterns for their table. With a bold, lively mix of pieces, it's a visual extravaganza of more than 800 plates—spanning time periods and styles—delivering a feast for the eyes of collectors and casual admirers alike.

Praise for DISH
(Click the links)

Excerpts, Interviews, Misc.
(Click the links)

Gastronomica, Winter 2012